5 Ways to Stay Creative During A Busy Season

This summer my time has been extremely limited for painting.  In order to keep my creativity flowing I've had to approach art a little differently.
Here are my tips for keeping creative when you don't have a lot of time:

1. Sketch or Draw
I keep a sketch pad in my car.  When I am waiting somewhere, for an appointment for instance, or on a break at work, I sketch whatever is around me.   It could be the coffee I am drinking, shells, a tree or even a building.  Lately I have been doing rough sketches of people in action. 

2. Take Photos 
During the summer months my husband and I love to visit Newburyport in the evening after work.  I often bring a camera with me or use my cell phone to take photos.  There is so much in that great port town for the creative eye; boats, flowers, shops & brick buildings, dogs, cupcakes and of course people everywhere.  Taking photos keeps your eyes open to the things around you and draws your attention to interesting perspectives, colors and textures.

3. Check out Other Artists Artwork
When I'm tired I will go online and view other artists artwork.  Either I re-visit my Pinterest page titled "Other Artists" or search artwork and visit other artists websites.  Etsy has a lot of art as well.  I like all art not just painting so I search for pottery, jewelry art and even fun quotes and sayings.
Other ways to see artwork are through magazines & books (the local library is a good resource), and visiting a gallery or museum.  Since it's summer, now is the time to visit gardens and outdoor art shows.
Tracy's Other Artists Pinterest
Tracy's Artwork

4. Do Something Crafty
Instead of planning out and working on an involved painting, I do something that is just fun and creative.  I like to play with polymer clay, do some simple fabric painting or create a photo collage/scrapbook page.  (The one problem with this, is that it takes up my dining room table until I finish it.)
I just finished a fun t-shirt project that will be my next blog post in a day or two.  

5. Take on a DIY Project
The good thing about a DIY is you end up accomplishing something big, but you can work on the project a little at a time.  Since time is limited, you can work on the project whenever you have a few minutes.  
I have a cute metal chair that I want to paint with Chalky finish paint.  It was pulled out of an old building so my first step will be to hose it down and clean it.  (I'm planning to add it to the blog at a later date as a step by step project).

So even though I don't have a lot of time to paint, I don't get discouraged - I get creative in a different way and so can you.   Tracy  :)


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